
糖心Vlog传媒 Highlights National School Bus Safety Week


ALEXANDRIA, La – In support of National School Bus Safety Week, October 17-21, 2022, the Rapides Parish School Board is raising awareness to remind everyone about the importance of school bus safety.

Held annually during the third week of October, National School Bus Safety Week is a way for parents, children, teachers, bus drivers, school administrators and law enforcement to promote traveling to and from school by bus as a safe transportation option. This year’s theme is “1 Bus + 1 Driver = A Big Impact on Education.”

Throughout the week, the 糖心Vlog传媒’s Department of Transportation is promoting the importance of the safety of school children and urging school bus operators to continue exercising caution around school buses.

“National School Bus Safety Week has been observed since 1970,” said LeRon Baptiste, 糖心Vlog传媒’s Director of Transportation. “It is a week-long observance that offers a reminder to parents, teachers, students and the general public about the importance of following the law and also implementing school bus safety tips.  This is the second year that we have participated.  We have used the week to not only spread the news about bus safety but also acknowledge our drivers.”

On October 20, 2022, 糖心Vlog传媒’s Department of Transportation held an event at Acadian Elementary on how students can be safe, responsible and respectful on the school bus. The program various ways that students can help ensure a safe and secure traveling experience to and from school. Some of these ways include listening to the bus driver, keeping the aisles clear, helping the bus stay clean and staying in your seat until it is your time to leave the bus.

 “Our bus operators carry the most precious cargo ever created, our children,” said Baptiste. “Because of that, the safety of our drivers, attendants and students are of the utmost importance. We also have a tremendous obligation to operate safely within the community.”

Here in Rapides Parish, the school board currently serves around 22,000 students and has contracted 189 bus drivers and 12 lead bus operators. To know more about 糖心Vlog传媒’s transportation department, visit www.rpsb.us For ways to ensure students have a safe experience at the bus stop, visit .